January 23, 2025

After more than twelve years as a purely volunteer venture ChurchInfo has teamed up with a small company called ChurchInfo Services to provide hosting service and automated installation.  This service is designed to be an inexpensive option for churches that don’t have access to the necessary technical skills to build and maintain their own installations.  There is no change to the core mission and values of the ChurchInfo project.  The goal is to expand the availability of ChurchInfo to more churches, especially those which found the initial installation to be too much of a hurdle.

Here is a link to the ChurchInfo Services web site.


3 thoughts on “Inexpensive Hosting Service Now Available

  1. Yo! I clicked on the link to ChurchInfo services, got this URL


    and immediately got disconnected by MalwareBytes, for a trojan!

    Here’s the MB export:


    -Log Details-
    Protection Event Date: 7/10/23
    Protection Event Time: 10:09 PM
    Log File: 06c39132-1f90-11ee-afc8-00ff79e02256.json

    -Software Information-
    Components Version: 1.0.2051
    Update Package Version: 1.0.72227
    License: Premium

    -System Information-
    OS: Windows 11 (Build 22621.1848)
    CPU: x64
    File System: NTFS
    User: System

    -Blocked Website Details-
    Malicious Website: 1
    , C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe, Blocked, -1, -1, 0.0.0, ,

    -Website Data-
    Category: Trojan
    Domain: dnavexch.com
    IP Address:
    Port: 443
    Type: Outbound
    File: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe

    I have dealt with Mike in the past, and I’m sure he is well intentioned, but, even is MalwareBytes is being hyperactive, this is a terrible first impression.

    Someone locally just asked me if I could recommend a database to manage membership and donations tracking, and I was reacquainting myself with what’s happening at ChurchDb… but this is not good look…

    Congrats on new release. It’s curious that there’s this big gap between July 2018 and April 2023.

  2. I’m very sorry that you got redirected to some spam site. The internet demons are constantly trying to break into web sites. Please let me know promptly if this happens again. I updated to a more recent version of Joomla and am working on switching over to WordPress.

    About the big gap in releases- my own church decided to switch to a commercial product so I haven’t had the regular input from an active installation. The PHP development team forced me to either update or give up. I decided to update. I still have some active installations on churchinfoservices.com.


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